Condition Report: No. 2/17. In good condition. No loss of substance. In places slightly dusty. The plinth with isolated, minuscule traces of verdigris. Fine, harmonious overall appearance.
Bronze with brownish patina. 30 × 45 × 23 cm
(11 ¾ × 17 ¾ × 9 in.). Monogrammed, dated and inscribed on the plinth in varying places: JM 07 Sei Lieb. There with the foundry mark: H.NOACK BERLIN. Inscribed on the abdomen of the wolf: Meesewölfin, on the neck: Dr. Werewolf and on the leg: Rom. One of 17 numbered casts. Berlin, Bildgießerei Hermann Noack, 2007. [3712]
Condition Report: No. 2/17. In good condition. No loss of substance. In places slightly dusty. The plinth with isolated, minuscule traces of verdigris. Fine, harmonious overall appearance.