Our Online Only Spring Auction offers you an extensive selection of 20th and 21st century artworks, focussing on paintings and works on paper from various post-war artists such as Karl Otto Götz, Gotthard Graubner, Hermann Nitsch, Barry Le Va and Fred Sandback to contemporary artists such as Johanna Dumet and Gert and Uwe Tobias.
With works by important representatives of colour field painting, such as the paintings and works on paper by Gottfried Honegger, Georg Karl Pfahler or Piero Dorazio and the colour-intensive serigraphs by Rupprecht Geiger and Heinz Mack, the focus is on geometric abstraction.
The diversity of contemporary figurative painting is demonstrated by Norbert Schwontkowski's melancholy motifs, Johannes Grützke and Dieter Krieg's powerful, expressive forms and Rosa Loy's quiet, surreal scenes.
From the field of classical modernism, Lyonel Feininger's etchings and woodcuts on unusual papers and in small editions bear witness to his joy in experimenting with these traditional printing techniques.
Lesser Ury's etchings of the Berlin cityscape, dynamic figure studies by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Georg Kolbe, Dorothea Maetzel-Johannsen or the self-confident watercolours by Bauhaus artist Iwon Eichhorn-Scheerbarth express the spirit of optimism at the beginning of the 20th century.